Kia Kotahi te Hoe
Further together.
Ko mātou ngā iwi o Te Tauihu o Te Waka-ā-Māui, e mahi ngātahi ana, kia tautoko i te whānau.
Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust was set up in February 2021 by the eight iwi of Te Tauihu o Te Waka-a-Māui (top of the South Island) to advance health and wellbeing, alleviate poverty, ensure adequate food is available and promote education and skills within the communities of Te Tauihu (the top of the South Island) and in particular our Māori communities.
Using a kaupapa Māori approach, we work with whānau Māori, government agencies, education and work providers, and NGOs to ensure existing health and wellbeing services are fit for purpose for our people, and that no whānau in Te Tauihu is left behind.
We advocate and connect. We support whānau who might need that extra help.
Hoe 2:
Whiwhi Mahi |Work & Training
Whānau resilience is strengthened
We support whānau aspirations, working across the determinants of wellbeing, connecting whānau to appropriate services and supports to achieve their moemoea, and acting as advocates.
Hoe 4:
Ohotata | Emergency Management
Te Tauihu is prepared to respond and recover from emergency declarations
We work closely with Iwi, Marae and Māori communities to prepare, protect and recover from Civil Defense emergencies.
Whānau are supported, so that they don’t go hungry
Under this hoe, we provide Te Tauihu leadership and work towards developing a regional food hub. We also provide kai to those who are struggling financially and work with whānau to develop food resilience.
Hoe 1:
Whāngai | Feeding our people
Whānau are supporting into meaningful education and employment
We support whānau education, training and career aspirations. We also work to develop strategic alliances that enhance work and training opportunities for Māori whānau.