Te Pātaka
Ka ora ai te iwi
Te Pātaka was initially set up to support whānau Māori during the COVID pandemic. Today, we continue to support whānau Māori who are experiencing hardship.
Under the vision ‘No whānau goes hungry’, we provide emergency kai packs with care and aroha to whānau right across the rohe, from Mohua to Wairau.
*Please note that all referrals are allocated on a Monday. So if you submit a referral form on a Tuesday, for example, it will be processed the following Monday.
Referral Agencies
Omaka Marae
Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua
Te Piki Oranga
Maataa Waka Ki Te Tau Ihu
Ngā kōrero
Te Pātaka Inc was formed in mid 2020 in Wairau as an extension of work by the Mārlborough Māori Welfare Recovery Team during the first lockdown in March 2020. That initial response saw the team deliver more than 400 support packages to whānau.
Once that initial lockdown ended, a clear need remained, and in July 2020 Te Pātaka Inc was formed. With funding assistance from the Ministry of Social Development and Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu and the support of many generous businesses, Te Pātaka was able to not only continue to support whānau, but also establish infrastructure, engage staff and scale up its warehouse facility.
In mid-2021, support from the eight iwi of Te Tauihu saw the model expanded to also cover Nelson and Tasman and a new warehouse was opened in Waimeha.
A year later, in mid-2022, operations formally transferred to Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Trust, a collaboration of the eight manawhenua iwi of Te Tauihu, in a move designed to help secure the future and sustainability of the service.
In just two years, Te Pātaka has partnered with dozens of organisations and generous businesses to provide kai for more than 6000 whānau.
He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata
Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure.
Your koha can help make a difference for whānau living across Te Tauihu.