He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata
We are grateful for the many offers to donate to our Te Pātaka emergency kai service.
Monetary donations can be made by internet bank transfer.
Account number: 12 3167 0235294 00
Reference: Your name
Particulars: TP Koha
Alternatively, you can pop into any branch of ASB.
Non-monetary donations of food or other goods are at the discretion of the Te Pātaka Kaiarataki, and such donations will depend on need, available warehouse space etc. If you wish to donate food or related goods, please email Te Pātaka Kaiarataki Josh Joseph at Josh@tepataka.co.nz
Donations Refund Policy
Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust at their discretion may refund monetary donations involving fraudulent or unauthorised use of bank or credit card details; or where donations have been provided by organisations whose values do not align to Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu.
In assessing whether refunds of donations can be facilitated, we will determine whether the donation in question has already been applied to a charitable purpose or whether it is available to be released back to the donor.
For questions about this policy or if you wish to seek a refund of a charitable donation to Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust, please contact us by emailing awhi@kotahitehoe.org.nz or calling 0800 514 358.