Tautoko mō te whānau
Support for whānau
We can support whānau with a range of things … all you need to do is get in touch.
From helping you deal with agencies, sort bills, or even get your nephew that new job!
We provide whanaungatanga and manaakitanga for whānau who don’t have that or who might just need a little extra support.
To get in touch, just phone 0800 514 358 and leave a message.
*Please note that all referrals are allocated on a Monday.
To leave feedback on your experiences with Te Kotahi, you can use this Whānau Feedback Form.
We offer emergency kai parcels for whānau throughout Te Tauihu through our Te Pātaka network.
If you are a Job Seeker with Work and Income, our Kaitūhono-a-Mahi can help whānau on the hunt for a new job or looking to upskill or find a new direction. Eligibility to the kaupapa applies.
Contact Work and Income direct on Ph. 0800 559 009 or via the MyMSD App to request a referral to the service.
Whānau in need of support or a listening ear can get in touch with our Kaitūhono-a-Hapori.
Kia tūhono te whānau ki:
Advocacy and navigation of ACC (new contract March 2025)
Helping with essential emergency bills
Sorting health needs
Transport to appointments
Being with whānau for important appointments
Navigating whānau to other services that will be helpful to them and their situation
P. A.T. H Planning (Dreaming – determining goals and stepping out how to get there)
Obtaining ID (Birth Cert, Passport, 18+ Card)
Driver Licence (Restricted, Full)
Advocacy with Government agencies and other organisations
Advocacy with medical professionals and doctors
Advocacy with lawyers and support in court
Support at Whānau Group conferences
Use our online referral form.