Kia Kotahi Te Hoe – Further Together

Tēnā koutou e te whānau,

Here we are again in lockdown, but in Te Tauihu many things are different this time around. A year ago, Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Trust was just an idea. Now, we are able to mobilise to help whānau Māori, just as we envisaged.

Even though it is early days, Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Trust is working across the rohe to support whānau Māori through lockdown, from the Wairau to Mohua. We have a plan in place and a response structure working alongside other agencies and NGOs. Our staff are mobilised to better meet the needs of whānau, and a big mihi to Barney Thomas,  Joshua Joseph, Rebecca Mason, Vicky Thorn, Nic Coburn and Justin Carter for being part of our team.

If you or whānau have ANY questions or needs around kai, housing, employment/training or wellbeing, our hotline is now up and running. Please see further down for more on this and other information around referrals.

In terms of vaccinations, all clinics are still on with some slightly reduced capacity to account for public health measures. NMDHB is working with Te Piki Oranga and Te Waka Hauora to set up larger venues and more information will come out soon about that. 
We will continue to update you as the situation develops. Until then e te whānau, kia haumaru!

Ngā mihi, Lorr

Dr Lorr Eade, Pouwhakahaere Rauemi (Operations Manager) | Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust


Whānau referrals


Te Tauihu iwi launch collaborative trust for Covid recovery