Vaccination update: Te Tauihu

Ko te tiaki i te whānau koia tā tātou mahi!
Protecting whānau is what we do!

As of Tuesday, 4259 additional people had received vaccinations across Te Tauihu during lockdown. Of those, only 295 were Māori, although 87 per cent were first-time vaccinations, which is positive and shows that many whānau are making the decision to protect themselves and their wider hapū and iwi. Among those who came through at Ūkaipō and the Trafalgar Centre this week were Tasman Mako players Quentin MacDonald and Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta, pictured above with his whānau - kai pai tō mahi e hoa mā.

Meanwhile, our live panel discussion on Facebook on Wednesday night was an insightful kōrero on hauora tāne. Featuring Dave Johnston, Dr Alex Browne and Michael Whareaitu, the panel touched on ways we might change the negative health statistics by changing the narrative for tāne through a Māori lens. Dr Alex Browne (Te Ātiawa) works in intensive care for Nelson Marlborough Health and gave whānau the hard facts about protecting themselves from COVID-19. If you missed it, you can check it out here.


Kaupapa Māori Vaccination Clinics


Tangihanga Guidelines - Level 4