He aha ō whakaaro?
This week, the rōpū behind the Te Tauihu Covid Māori Action Plan 2022 launched a research project to better understand the voices of Māori who have experienced Covid-19 or have been impacted in some way.
Perhaps you’d like to take part?
When Covid-19 first hit our shores in March 2020, ngā iwi o Te Tauihu o Te Waka-a-Māui and Māori health providers responded immediately. From the outset, a partnership was developed with Te Whatu Ora – Nelson Marlborough, with Māori particpation threaded throughout the system and a range of interventions implemented from 2020.
Then, at the end of last year as Aotearoa prepared for Covid-19 to spread within our communities, iwi, Māori health providers and Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu came together to create the Te Tauihu Covid Māori Action Plan 2022. This was a collaborative effort designed to achieve equity for Māori in this rohe as the virus started to spread.
Since then a lot has changed, tens of thousands have been infected across Te Tauihu and, despite efforts, we know equity has not been achieved.
What next?
As we continue to navigate the pandemic and look at planning for the future, the rōpū behind the Te Tauihu Māori Covid Action Plan 2022 have commissioned Dr Melissa Cragg to undertake research to capture the voice and Covid-19 experiences of whānau Māori.
What does this look like?
Research will take a kaupapa Māori approach and will involve a conversation with a research assistant, either by phone, Zoom, or kanohi ki te kanohi. This can take between 30 minutes and two hours, depending on what participants would like to share. There is also an option to answer questions using an online form. Of course, all information will be confidential to the research team – no names or identifying data will be included in the final research paper.
How can I take part?
Glad you asked! To register your interest, or for more information, simply email Project Manager Dr Melissa Cragg at melissa.cragg@xtra.co.nz.
Ngā mihi ki a koutou – your help and input is valued and will help shape future efforts to ensure no whānau Māori is left behind.
Mauri ora!