Great start to the Māori new year

E whakaiti ana ngā Te Tarahiti o Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu mo ngā tautoko o te kaupapa hauora o Hiwa. Ki ngā kaihokohoko, ngā kaiwhakaari, ngā rōpū kapa haka puta noa i Te Tauihu mai Motueka ki Wairau, tēnei rā ka mihi! Ki ō tātou hapori, tēnā koutou. Ki ō tātou whānau i manawanui mai ki te haere mai ki te kaupapa, tēnā koutou katoa.

Ka mihi hoki ki te Kura Tuarua o Motueka, MySpace Marlborough, Te Kura Takawaenga o Broadgreen hoki mō tō koutou manaaki mai hei kaimanaaki.

I muri iho i ngā tau pakeke e rua, he pai mutunga ki te kite anō i te iwi, te kaitahi me te awhiawhi. I whakatūria Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu ki te tautoko i ngā whānau puta noa i te rohe, ā, ka pērā tonu haere ake nei. Kāhore e taea te pērā e mātou i te korenga o tō koutou tautoko mai, nō reira ka nui tō mātou aroha.

Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Trust is humbled by the support received for the Hiwa Matariki hauora events in Motueka, Wairau and Whakatū in June. To all the stallholders, performers, kapa haka groups, right across Te Tauihu from Motueka to Wairau, thank you! To our communities, thank you! To our whānau who took the precious time from their days to come along, thank you!

We also want to thank Motueka High School, MySpace Marlborough and Broadgreen Intermediate School for your warmth as hosts. After two tough years of the pandemic, it was wonderful to see everyone again and enjoy a kai and a hug.

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Good as Gold, alright


Tūranga mahi: Āpihi Whakahaere Mahi