Nā to rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

Tēnā koutou e te whānau,

Just over a week in Level 4 lockdown now and we are seeing needs increase across the rohe.
The team at Te Pātaka in particular have been stretched, but on the positive side, it’s been heartening to see our network in action and even better to know we are reaching whānau who need it.
Our Te Kotahi team are also putting in the hard yards assisting whānau in various ways and it was awesome to have Vicky Thorn at the mass vaccination clinic in Whakatū this week, providing a welcoming face for our people.
Vaccination rates remain of concern, and I would like to stress the importance of having this conversation as a whānau. It is, after all, about protecting our whakapapa.
One other thing I wanted to flag with you is the change to our hotline number. We have switched providers after ongoing bugs in our calling system. Please note, the new number is 0800 514 358. This can be used for all whānau referrals within the rohe. Whānau can also get in touch with us by email - awhi@tekotahitehoe.org.nz  
Noho ora mai

Dr Lorr Eade, Pouwhakahaere Rauemi (Operations Manager) | Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust


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New whānau hotline number