New whānau hotline number

Tēnā koutou e te whānau

Just a quick note around our 0800 hotline number.

Today, we are transitioning to a new provider after a few issues with the old number.

The new number for support referrals for whānau Māori in Te Tauihu is 0800 514 358.

We have also set up an email address for referrals:  Whānau can email us their number and we will call them back as soon as possible. 

If you have ANY questions or needs around kai, housing, employment/training or wellbeing, please do get in touch. 

Ngā mihi,


Dr Lorr Eade, Pouwhakahaere Rauemi (Operations Manager) | Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust


Nā to rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi


Vaccination update: Te Tauihu