Special report: Box on Boxing

Our Kaitūhono-a-Mahi in the Wairau Carolynn Tipene reports back on a special kaupapa warming the hearts of whānau in Blenheim.

It was a cold day on Sunday, July 31 in Blenheim, but it didn’t deter the interest judging by the crowd at 1 Moran St who had gathered to support Lee Tepuia as he opened his new gym premises.

Lee, owner of Box on Boxing Blenheim, was humbled by the turnout and spoke boldly about his passion to be a guiding light in helping people deal with issues of suicide and anxiety. This is a man who knows only too well the impact of such issues, he has walked that dark track himself, a survivor, now hellbent on pulling as many as he can out of that hole, one by one if that’s what it takes.

Don’t be fooled by his tough exterior, that’s just signs of a past bikie life, a 501 extradited from Australia. Five minutes in his company and you will not find a more generous and caring, no-nonsense man.

Blenheim has reaped the rewards of Lee’s mahi, not only in hard-earned medals by those learning from him, but also in terms of mental health and physical fitness.

To see people who I couldn’t connect with, no matter how I tried, now affiliated members of Box on Boxing standing with mana, self-confidence and laughing with their peers is mind blowing.

Lee made a genius decision by asking fitness instructor Te Ana Scoon to help out (herself no stranger to the competitive boxing ring). She loves her job, her passion is to address the mental physical and holistic wellbeing of her tauira. In her past life she worked with youth in Christchurch, until she moved to Blenheim 12 months ago and by golly, she’s got people talking. 

I would advise everyone to get along to this whānau-orientated gym - this is Whānau Ora at its best.

Pictured above: Box on Boxing Blenheim is now open for business (in the past they have operated from borrowed premises); the talented Te Ana Scoon and the one and only Lee Tepuia.


‘Reach out early’


Tēnā koe Dean!