New KOWHEORI-19 changes

Ngā tikanga hou KOWHEORI-19 | New COVID-19 changes

Aotearoa moved on from the COVID-19 traffic lights on September 13, 2022. There are several changes you need to know about.

What are the main changes?

  • You need to stay at home for seven days if you get COVID-19.

  • People who live at your whare no longer have to isolate if you get COVID-19. But they should take a RAT test every day for five days from when you tested positive. If they test positive, they will have to isolate.

  • You don’t have to wear masks anymore, except in some health care places like the doctor, pharmacies or hospitals and aged residential care centres.

  • Māori and Pacific people aged 50+ can get free COVID-19 anti-viral medicine if they test positive.

  • Other New Zealanders aged 65+ can also get free COVID-19 antivirals, as can some people with three or more high-risk conditions.

  • People coming into Aotearoa from overseas don’t have to be vaccinated anymore.

  • All government vaccine mandates will end on 27 September 2022. But some employers might require workers to be vaccinated.

For more information, see our Covid-19 Pātai.


Kai pai tō mahi!


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